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Writer/Director: Eduardo Vieitez

A psychological drama returning our hero to youth and innocence while he investigates different choices at precise moments of his life.

Aiden is in his 60’s, he is alone, is sitting desolated at his living room table. He is about to kill himself, just an answer to a question that obsesses him stops him from doing it immediately. “How I did end up like this?”

From that very moment the story starts a journey back in time reviewing important decisions he made wrongly carried away from others opinion, not being brave enough to decide from the bottom of his heart.

We see Aiden’s life backwards, during his 50’s, 40’s, 30’s, etc. Ending up when he was about to be born. During this journey we see how he failed when choosing how to face his dreams, his career, his sentimental life, his studies, his friends, and many other important stuff that eventually build the live of any human being. The film shows several daily moments that everybody could find familiar, and he was never brave enough to choose what he really wanted but he did satisfy other people advises. One by one, these common choices that apparently don’t look big deal as to make unhappy someone, all together can eventually make anyone absolutely unhappy.

During this journey the hero will find out in this life review how his parents affected him negatively when he was a vulnerable child, mining his self condence to make bold decisions in the future.

Once we reach in the story the moment Aiden is about to be born, surprisingly we find out he has a twin who was given for adoption to different parents as Aiden was when their mother passed way during the delivery. From that moment on we will follow his twin’s life from birth, this time forward, going through the same situations we saw before in chronological order, with an important difference, his adoptive parents took his birth with a really different approach, a true love relationship between them all, considering that adoption the most precious gift in their lives, and all this will eventually give Aiden the confidence he needs to face his life.

Actually we discover that Aiden’s twin was always there, with him, just out of framing in most of those important moments when Aiden needed to take a decision. During the London Blitz at WW II their community took care of them after their mother death, so they were adopted by dierent parents living in the same neighbourhood. With a smart cut we go realizing their story as if it were a puzzle in which the pieces were fitting little by little. Getting always new surprising information that leads us in the story. We have finally the chance of realizing that their relationship is complicated and intense due their different approaches on life, culminating with a surprising ending.

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